Friday, April 30, 2010

Revenue and Social Networking websites...

 Social Networking Websites and $$$$...

I have always wondered about how social networking websites make their money.  I am planning to be an entrepreneur myself with an online presence. So, I thought I might do some research and figure out how do facebook, orkut , Myspace or linkedin generate millions of dollars.
The social networking sites have the following primary sources of income:
i.                     Investments from Venture Capitalists
ii.                   Acquisition by well established players in the market
iii.                  Advertising
iv.                 Fees for Premium accounts
In the beginning, when an entrepreneur with an innovative idea decides to transform his innovation to a venture, s/he approaches several venture capitalists. S/he tries to convince them about the idea and the project. If a venture capitalist picks up the idea and decides to invest on the project then the entrepreneur can start implementing the project right away. In most of the cases the seed capital is a combination of several sources like individual savings, money pooled in from friends, families and venture capital.
Now, as the business starts growing and the operational costs increase the entrepreneur has to think of other smarter ways to fund the project. S/he can choose to approach other investors again. But that is not a long term scalable approach. In some cases if the business has already created a large number of users the owner can decide to sell to other big players in the market.  Take the example of Youtube. Google acquired Youtube for 1.65 billion$ back in 2006.
But for entrepreneurs (like Facebook) who decide not to sell, they use advertising as one of their main sources of revenue. Web advertising is still an emerging market. Web advertising is broadly classified under 2 categories:
i.                     Cost per click (cpc): Pay whenever the advertisement is clicked by an user
ii.                   Cost per view  (cpv) or Pay per view (cpv) : Pay whenever the advertisement is viewed by an unique viewer
Although the television industry currently earns the maximum chunk from advertising, the fate of online advertising will see a radical change in future. A lot of research is currently being done to figure out the best way to advertise online without annoying the users.
Another way of generating revenue is to make users sign up for premium accounts. Businesses who sign up with the website can get premium facilities to market their products.
The popularity of social networking websites is growing exponentially. Now, with additional gadgets like IPhone and Blackberry’s they have an additional advantage to generate more traffic and more money.


Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Journey Begins

The most difficult part of starting my own blog is to choose a topic to start off with...Damn! I have just wasted more than an hour trying to figure out something that will appeal to my readers! I even missed out the soccer match!!
So, finally I put my foot down and decide that I have to write something. It's peer pressure you know. And to add to my woes I already went through some of the blogs written by my classmates. The more I read my fellowmates' blogs the more I feel "I was just going to write that and my idea has already been taken"...
I have been digging different sites to formulate something. But there is so much information over there and I feel puzzled. Should I write about "Why HP is buying Palm", "Google's war with Apple" or analyze the famous quote with which I started my coveted MBA degree - "I Know Nothing". And through this blog writing assignment I realized I really know nothing about what to write in my first blog. You might have already sensed it!
But I am hoping that as I get more and more grilled, crushed, tortured and tormented in my mba, I will soon have lot of things to write and share my ideas with you all...I always believe in seeing the Glass half-full :)
Enrique, my sincere apologies for not being able to contribute something meaningful in my first one...But I have faith on you and your immense abilities and I am sure by the time I am doing your second or third session I am going to write something meaningful. Please feel free to add your comments and encourage me. Your comments will surely add sense to what I have written :D... At least I tried!

What did you think about the content?